35M2 Gallery

35M2 Gallery

Adresse Víta Nejedlého 23, Praha 3
Webseite www.35m2.cz
Verbunden mit Café Pavlač

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Beschreibung des Ortes

The name 35M2 relates to its spatial layout. It consists of two almost identical rooms - results of garage's reconstruction in the ground floor of Zizkov's building. You enter the gallery through courtyard and Café Pavlac – one of the gallery's sponsors. Main target of Michal Pechoucek and Petra Steiner, the curators, is to cooperate mostly with the youngest authors, graduates or students at art universities. Programme concentrates on contemporary painting, photography and also to art-installations and conceptual art.

Ähnliche Orte

Karlin Studios
DSC Gallery
A.M.180 Gallery
Lucie Drdova Gallery
City Surfer Office
Café Pavlač
Klub Café Pavlač
Fotograf Gallery
Diamant Gallery – S.V.U. Manes
Gallery 1st floor

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