Muzeum Geologiczne

Muzeum Geologiczne

Adresse ul. Rakowiecka 4, Warszawa

Aktuelle Museumsausstellungen

Beschreibung des Ortes

Geological Museum in Warsaw is the only one in Poland, which holds a complete collection of rocks found in Poland, fully reflecting its geological construction. Most of the exhibits, and there are currently more than 500 thousand, were collected during the geological research, conducted by the Institute of Geology.


Ähnliche Orte

The Asia and Pacific Museum
Centrum Interpretacji Zabytku
Muzeum im. Bolesława Biegasa
Muzeum Karykatury
The Royal Łazienki
Stacja Muzeum
Museum of Sport and Tourism
Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN
Centrum Pieniądza NBP
Warsaw Museum of Computers and Games

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