The Asia and Pacific Museum

The Asia and Pacific Museum

Adresse ul. Solec 24, Warszawa

Aktuelle Museumsausstellungen

Sound Zone
Geschichte, Dauerausstellung

Beschreibung des Ortes

The Museum was established in 1973 in Warsaw. Is the only one in Poland holding entirely collections devoted to the cultures of countries of Asia, Oceania and Australia. The Museum is located in two two-storey buildings that used to serve as the city butchery.


Ähnliche Orte

National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw
The Medical History Musuem
Museum of the Tenth Pavilion of the Warsaw Citadel
Muzeum Nurkowania
Museum of Jazz
Melt Museum
Muzeum Geologiczne
Museum on the Vistula
Muzeum Fryderyka Chopina
Muzeum Historii Spółdzielczości
Mausoleum of Struggle and Martyrdom
Praga Museum of Warsaw

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