Muzeum Nurkowania

Muzeum Nurkowania

Adresse ul. Grzybowska 88, Warszawa

Aktuelle Museumsausstellungen

Beschreibung des Ortes

Muzeum was created near the Warsaw Club of Frogmans and founded by its leading member Karina Kowalska. The institution is one of the oldest of its kind in Poland and one of the few in Europe. It garners collections related to history and technique of diving and underwater archeology.


Ähnliche Orte

General Ryszard Kukliński Cold War Museum
Muzeum Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Narodowe Muzeum Techniki w Warszawie
The Wola Museum of Warsaw
Cele Bezpieki
Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum
Fotoplastikon Warszawski
Muzeum Błogosławionego ks. Jerzego Popiełuszki
Muzeum Łowiectwa i Jeździectwa
Museum of Independence
Jewish Historical Institute
Magic Mind Museum

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