Muzeum Uniwerstytetu Warszawskiego

Muzeum Uniwerstytetu Warszawskiego

Adresse ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 32, Warszawa

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Beschreibung des Ortes

The Warsaw University Museum is located in the university;s main campus and dates back to the beginnings of the institution, it is to the year 1809. The musuem gathers objects related to the University's history and organizes a wide range of exhibitions. Temporary exhibitions are presented in the University Library and in other buildings on the campus.


Ähnliche Orte

Museum of Polish History
Muzeum Ikon
Muzeum Sztuki Fantastycznej
The Museum of Scouting
Museum of Interiors
National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw
Muzeum Rzemiosł Skórzanych im. Jana Kiliskiego
Museum of the Tenth Pavilion of the Warsaw Citadel
Muzeum Nurkowania
Museum of Jazz
Melt Museum
Musuem and Institute of Zoology

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