Syrena Theatre

Syrena Theatre

Adresse ul. Litewska 3, Warszawa


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Beschreibung des Ortes

The Mission of the theatre described by the founders of the sounds: "Draw their traditions and cultural richness of Warsaw and create the modern formula. Be a sensitive barometer of moods and needs of today's audience. Deepen the thought. Respect the viewer and his time." Those true words seem to be perfectly fullfilled by the Syrena.


Ähnliche Orte

Białołęcki Ośrodek Kultury Głębocka 66
Teatr Muzyczny Roma
Teatr Warszawskiej Opery Kameralnej
Teatr Collegium Nobilium
Teatr ME/ST
Teatr Małego Widza – Scena na Jezuickiej
Bohema House
Teatr Wielki – Opera Narodowa
Mazowiecki Teatr Muzyczny
Teatr Dramatyczny im. Gustawa Holoubka
Scena Lubelska 30/32
Teatr Ochoty

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