Teatr Akt

Teatr Akt

Adresse ul. Łaziebna 9, Warszawa
Webseite www.teatrakt.pl
Telefon +48 604 107 767


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Beschreibung des Ortes

Theatre Akt is an independent group of artists existing in Warsaw. Pantomime has always been the starting point in the search and studies of the actors. Thanks for an interesting form and universal language of pantomime, theatre appeals to all , regardless the age: children , teenagers and adults.

Theatre Akt has now opened a stage for all Warsaw based indpendent theatres.


Ähnliche Orte

Teatr Narodowy
Mazowiecki Teatr Muzyczny
Teatr IMKA
Centralna Spółdzielnia Komediowa
Teatr Ochoty
Teatr WAM
Teatr Capitol
Teatr Niewielki
Teatr Polonia
Teatr Scena Współczesna
Nowy Teatr

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