Teatr Maskarada

Teatr Maskarada

Adresse ul. Nowy Świat 63, Warszawa
Telefon +48 501 027 278


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Beschreibung des Ortes

A professional team dedicated to deliver fun and interactive plays that introduce children to the world of theatre. The founder and director, Małgorzata Domańska, is a professional scenographer and costume designer. We therefore put great attention to the visual aspect of our performances. Music and word are equally important in our plays. Each performance is enriched by its unique music composed by professional musicians Zuzanna Całka and Krzysztof Jaszczak, and choreography is prepared by Agnieszka Senderowska. Actors are active on the Warsaw’s stage, including adult and children’s plays.


Ähnliche Orte

Dzika Strona Wisły - © Kasia Chmura-Cegiełkowska
Teatr Studio
Teatr Rampa
Teatr Młyn
Teatr Baj
Scena Przodownik
Studio Buffo
Teatr Sabat
Teatr Wolandejski
Teatr Druga Strefa
Teatr BAZA
Teatr Kamienica

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