Enigmatický biograf: A Fragment of a Daughter’s life + My sweetheart killed a bad guy

Sale ended
Address Slavíkova 22, Praha
Tags Screening
Entry CZK 100–500
Venue's website www.venuse-ve-svehlovce.cz

An evening of two alternative, curtain film premieres with live music.

A Fragment of a Daughter’s life
“Dedicated to my dear friend Ida Carnevali (1938-2020), who I miss very much.”

My sweetheart killed a bad guy
Randomly selected reanimated scenes of forgotten noir films. Murder as a natural part of the everyday life of the average American. Are there any average Americans? Is it more harmful to the human mind to watch Americans having intercourse or murdering one another? How have people enriched American culture? Do trivial questions exists? A monumental waste of time.

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