
Sale ended
Address Bělohorská 125/24, Praha 6 – Břevnov
Origin Spain
Movie genre Drama, Comedy
Entry CZK 100
Venue's website
Length 84 min
Director Patricia Ortega
Links IMDB
Release 2023
Ranking 70 %

Performing: Kiti Mánver, Chema del Barco, María José Mariscal, Pepe Quero, Loles Gutiérrez, Silvia Acosta, Paula Díaz

Devoutly religious Cruz leads a routine existence with her husband and precocious granddaughter Viky, while her daughter Carlota chases her dream of becoming a professional dancer in Vienna. A single errant click while attempting to navigate the internet momentarily exposes Cruz to online pornography. She’s mortified but suddenly reminded of her own desires. Initially unsure of where to aim her newly rediscovered sensuality, Cruz fruitlessly looks to her beloved church and befuddled husband for satisfaction before finding solace in a women’s sex therapy group and beginning a tentative journey toward self-love.

Movie trailer

Mamacruz  Official Trailer  0 5 1:54 0 ×

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