Najsłynniejsi mordercy-nekrofile: Historie o nekrofilii

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Address ul. Bagatela 10, Warszawa
Doors 17:00
Tags Talk
Entry 45–180 PLN
Venue's website…

A lecture whose topic is quite shocking, but it will be given with due seriousness and scientific neutrality. And a bit of black humor. During the lecture you will be able to hear stories of notorious murderers with necrophilic tendencies and learn about the characteristics and varieties of necrophilia. Not every necrophile loves only corpses. Renata Kuryłowicz - the creator of Bag of Bones (created in 2017) - will tell you all about it. A long-time book publisher with experience of heading the editorial department of foreign prose (Prószyński i S-ka), non-fiction literature (Świat Książki) and running a publishing house as a co-owner (Wyd. Albatros). 
Historian of art. A connoisseur of reportages in the field of forensics and criminology. Author of the blog and podcast Renata from the Bag of Bones. She writes and talks about the anthropology of death, crimes, executions and the true macabre. 
She has been published in the Polish edition of Playboy, in Mademoiselle magazine, on the pages of Law Business Quality and and Elle Polska.

Event for adults only.

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