Rok české hudby: Pocta velikánům české a italské operní tvorby

Sale ended
Address Ledvinova 9, Praha 4
Tags Classical
Entry CZK 295–590
Event website…
Venue's website

The year 2024 is dedicated to Czech music, and this year's Tóny Chodovské tvrze will dramaturgically join this celebration. Soloists from the Czech Republic and Mexico, together with a purely Czech symphony orchestra under the baton of Norbert Baxa, have prepared a superb repertoire for the festive concert, which will also commemorate the authors of the cradle of opera - the Italian masters.

Practical information:

  • In case of bad weather, the concert will be moved to KC Zahrada, Malenická 1784, Prague 4.
  • Any new information can be found on the Chodovská tvrz website.

Performing artists

Harmonia Bohemica

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