Theo Alexander

Classical, contemporary classical United Kingdom
S Theo Alexander

Past concerts

Koruth + Theo Alexander Praha 10 – Vršovice, Petrohradská kolektiv Koruth + Theo Alexander
Hybrid Sessions: Theo Alexander + Jan Bára Praha 1 – Nové Město, Campus Hybernská Hybrid Sessions: Theo Alexander + Jan Bára
Vánoce v klidu: Koruth + Theo Alexander + Šimanský & Niesner Praha 3 – Žižkov, Žižkov Atrium Vánoce v klidu: Koruth + Theo Alexander + Šimanský & Niesner
Piano Day: Theo Alexander + Mazoch & Koruth + Tomáš Hrubiš Praha 1, A Studio Rubín Piano Day: Theo Alexander + Mazoch & Koruth + Tomáš Hrubiš
Theo Alexander + Mazoch + Noirepolde Praha 6 – Dejvice, Potrvá Theo Alexander + Mazoch + Noirepolde
Contemporary Piano: Simeon Walker + Theo Alexander + more Praha 1 – Nové Město, Campus Hybernská Contemporary Piano: Simeon Walker + Theo Alexander + more


Theo Alexander  Waiting for a Piano  0 5 4:41 55 ×
Theo Alexander  Passing Into  0 5 4:51 13 ×
Theo Alexander  Death  0 5 2:36 4 ×
Theo Alexander  Disappearing  0 5 5:26 4 ×
Theo Alexander  Waiting for You to Die  0 5 4:19 3 ×

About Theo Alexander

Theo Alexander is a British composer and pianist whose compositions include a search engine that connects the world of piano music to influences of ambient and experimental music. In his productions he mixes drones based on tape recordings with contemporary composition and classical sensitivities. The result is a rich and calming sound that spreads through every single performance. Innovative gaming and recording techniques, including the layering of recorded sound, give the music its distinctiveness and raw quality that is seldom heard in the contemporary world of piano music.


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