Na Prádle Theatre

Na Prádle Theatre

Adres Besední 3, Praha 1
Strona internetowa

Aktualny program spektakli teatralnych

Wybrane przez nas
Buďteslyšet Voices
Talk show,

Opis miejsca

Theatre is located at Kampa in Prague and it represents a small theatre stage. It offers creation of its own but also others association's production. Spaces where Na Pradle Theatre acts are connected with Umelecka Beseda, Czech art association that holds together musical, literary and visual artists. Its roots goes to 1926. One year later there was a Voskovec and Werich world premiere of Vest Pocket Revue. Current Theatre Na Pradle has become operational in 2001. It offers professional and amateurish production, plays for children, chamber concert of classical and pop music, film projections, exhibitions and literary café.


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