
Chemie kolem nás

Vstupenky na mieste
Adresa Kostelní 1320/42, Praha 7
Vstupné 130–470 Kč
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The aim of the exhibition Chemie around us is to show the connection, which many people are actually unaware. Many objects that we take every day even several times in our hands, many events that we consider normal, comes from chemists in research, development, technology and industrial laboratories.

The exhibition presents the important personalities of that industry. Works of prominent Czech chemist Jaroslav Heyrovsky, who received the Nobel Prize in 1959 for the discovery of polarography, or a work of Otto Wichterle, whose invention of soft contact lenses was a discovery of world importance and visitors are also attracted by a copy of a lenses-machine copies of from building kit Merkur.

Another important element that is presented in the exposure, is the phenomenon of chemical laboratories. The visitor has during his travels exposure insight into the past, part of the exhibition is an alchemist's workshop and Chemical Laboratory through the ages.

Thanks to special programs it be available to visit a specialist laboratory of the National Technical Museum with equipped with very high technology and learn about the analytical methods used in the exploration of exhibited subjetcs at the museum today.

Ďalšie akcie v tomto mieste

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