Heimathafen Neukölln

Heimathafen Neukölln

Adresa Karl-Marx-Str. 141, Berlin
Webová stránka www.heimathafen-neukoelln.de
Telefón +49 30 56821334

Aktuálny program divadla

Nevieme o žiadnych akciách.

Popis miesta

Since 2009, Heimathafen Neukölln is located at the Rixdorf ballroom and offers a versatile program that consists of plays, music, concerts, lectures and new show formats.

Heimhafen aims to reinvent the term Volkstheater and represent its urban environment to create a place of coming together for Berliners and guests.

Together with the Neukölln opera, Heimathafen creates a cultural center in Neukölln that enhances the district with events such as plays, youth projects, music theatre, revues, kids' plays, dancing events, concerts, parties, poetry slams, fashion shows or sports events.

Podobné miesta

Tipi am Kanzleramt
Bar jeder Vernunft
Haus der Sinne
HAU Hebbel am Ufer
Acud Theater
Ballhaus Ost
Berliner Kabarett Anstalt
Acker Stadt Palast

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