Kostol sv. Šimona a Judy

Kostol sv. Šimona a Judy

Adresa Dušní, Praha 1

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Popis miesta

Church of St. Simon and St. Jude is located in the Old Town near the Old Town Square. It is the only church in Prague which is dedicated to apostolic pair St. Simon and Jude Thaddeus. They preached the gospel together in North Africa and Persia, and they both lived to see the end of martyrdom.

Currently, the renovated church with underfloor heating is ideal retreat for concerts of Prague Symphony Orchestra. Besides concerts church is also used for special conference events, audio and video recording and for radio and TV broadcasts.


Podobné miesta

Church of the Most Holy Saviour
Kostel svatého Cyrila a Metoděje
Prayer Evangelical Church
Casa Gelmi
Church of the Saviour
Kostel sv. Františka
Pálffy Palace
Sokolovna Řepy
Kostel svatého Cyrila a Metoděje
HYB4 Hudba

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