New Hyperion or Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood

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Address Sokolovská 371/1, Praha 8
Origin Czechoslovakia
Original name Nový Hyperion aneb Volnost, rovnost, bratrství
Movie genre Documentary, Czech
Entry CZK 139
Event website…
Venue's website
Length 207 min
Director Karel Vachek
Links IMDB
Release 1992
Ranking 71 %

Performing: Iveta Bartošová, John Bok, Egon Bondy, Vlasta Chramostová, Pavel Dostál, Michail Sergejevič Gorbačov, Karel Gott, Václav Havel, Václav Klaus, Milan Kňažko, Michael Kocáb, Ivan Martin Jirous, Daniela Kolářová, Rafael Kubelík, Stanislav Milota, Karel Vachek, Miloš Zeman, papež Jan Pavel II., Alexander Dubček

Through a mosaic of events, opinions, and happenings, Karel Vachek records the situation preceding the Czechoslovak elections in 1990. With subtle irony, he juxtaposes various phenomena and, on the screen, portrays the surprising socio-political context of the incredible whirl of the first free elections after the fall of the communist regime. The director is preoccupied with the abundance of goings on in the various social events, political ceremonies, and populist shows, where he is interested in every seemingly unimportant movement or subtle gesture, which transform the film into a diaphragm lens between the apparent and the concealed.

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