Museum of Jazz

Museum of Jazz

Adresa ul. Konopnickiej 6, Warszawa
Webová stránka
Telefón +48 690 690 110

Aktuálne výstavy v múzeu

Nevieme o žiadnych akciách.

Popis miesta

In the building where the Jazz Musuem is located, in the year 1946 took place the first jam session in the post-war Poland. That day performed jazz musicians that survived the WWII. For years the builiding was the center of the jazz culture in Poland, it was the place where concerts took place and where the musicians came to reherse. Today the msuuem presents music notes, instruments and various souvenirs


Podobné miesta

National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw
Muzeum Rzemiosł Skórzanych im. Jana Kiliskiego
Museum of the Tenth Pavilion of the Warsaw Citadel
Muzeum Nurkowania
Muzeum Ikon
Melt Museum
Musuem and Institute of Zoology
Museum on the Vistula
Muzeum Fryderyka Chopina
The Medical History Musuem
Mausoleum of Struggle and Martyrdom
Praga Museum of Warsaw

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