Portuguese Language Centre – Camões Institute

Portuguese Language Centre – Camões Institute

Adresa Josefská 6, Praha 1
Webová stránka www.institutocamoes-praga.cz
Telefón 775 129 725

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Popis miesta

Portuguese Language Centre - Camões Institute in Prague is a result of an agreement between Camões Institute and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Portugal and Charles University in Prague with the goal to promote the Portuguese Language and all cultural diversity that is associated with it. The cultural programme organized by Camões Institute includes conferences, concerts, movie sessions, exhibitions, lectures and others. The library offers literature in Portuguese Language, translations into Czech, teaching and learning material, dictionaries, music and movies.

Podobné miesta

New Town Hall
Bubenská 1
Supraphon Musicpoint
The Fine Art Archive
Take Take Take
Limpid Works
Domov sv. Karla Boromejského
Synth Library Prague
Braasi Industry
Knihovna Hradčany
Kostel sv. Bartoloměje
Dům U Koruny

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