Poster Museum

Poster Museum – Miesto uzavrené

Adresa ul. Stanisława Kostki Potockiego 10/16, Warszawa
Webová stránka
Telefón +48 22 842 48 48
Pridružené miesta National Museum in Warsaw

Popis miesta

Poster Museum at Wilanów is a museum located at ul. St. Stanislaus Kostka Potocki in Wilanów, Warsaw 10/16. The Museum, which is a branch of the National Museum in Warsaw was opened in 1968. This was the first poster Museum in the world. In its collection has about 54 000 pieces. Among them are collections of European and Polish poster from the late 19th century to the present, the collection of the Polish school of poster, as well as collections of American and Japanese, Chinese poster. In the collections of the Museum are the work of Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol and Stasys Eidrigevičiusa.


Podobné miesta

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