Spanish Synagogue

Spanish Synagogue

Adresa Vězeňská 1, Praha 1
Webová stránka
Telefón +420 222 749 211
Pridružené miesta Jewish Museum

Aktuálne akcie

Za Pražským tajemstvím do Haštalské čtvrti
Architektúra a urbanizmus,

Popis miesta

The Spanish Synagogue in Prague is situated near the Old Town Square and was built in 1868 on the site of the oldest Prague Jewish house of prayer called Old School. Its Moorish style was designed by Vojtech Ignatius Ullmann. Nowdays, the synagogue is used as a concert hall and exhibition space of the Jewish Museum.


Podobné miesta

Synagoga Úštěk
Synagoga Děčín
Synagoga Kolín
Jewish Museum
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Pinkas Synagogue
Klausen Synagogue
Ceremonial Hall
Old Jewish Cemetery
Galerie Roberta Guttmanna
Auditorium OVK ŽMP

Auditorium OVK ŽMP

Obecní dům

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