Stalin Letná

Stalin Letná

Adresa Letenské sady, Praha 7
Webová stránka
Pridružené miesta Art District 7

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Popis miesta

Stalin is an outdoor cultural center and bar under the pendulum in Letenské sady. It allows you to use the space under the former monument as a pleasant place for meeting, entertainment, and relaxation. There are live concerts on Wednesdays, cinema on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays are dedicated to electronic music, and Sundays are for relaxing (workshops, siesta).

Stalin is in operation during the spring and summer seasons and it closes with the arrival of colder weather usually in October.


Podobné miesta

Stalinův pomník
Kampus Hybernská
Art District 7
Národní zemědělské muzeum
Bio Oko
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Alfred ve dvoře
RockOpera Praha

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