The Conquest of the North Pole

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Adresa Štítného 5, Praha 3
Divadelný spolok Cimrman English Theatre
Štítky Komédia
Vstupné 300–400 Kč
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Réžia Brian Stewart
Autor Cimrman, Smoljak, Svěrák

Hrajú: Ben Bradshaw, Michael Pitthan, Peter Hosking, Curt Matthew, Marc Cram

In December 1908 four members of the Podoli cold water swimming society set out on an expedition to conquer the North Pole. As they head bravely toward their goal, the intrepid band of explorers must battle against the depression of the polar night, sub zero temperatures and a lack of food. Inevitably, tensions develop within the group. The second of the Cimrman’s comedy classics to come from the Cimrman English Theatre.


Praha 3, Žižkovské divadlo Járy Cimrmana The Conquest of the North Pole
Praha 3, Žižkovské divadlo Járy Cimrmana The Conquest of the North Pole

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Hotel Žižkov Praha 3, Žižkovské divadlo Járy Cimrmana Hotel Žižkov

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