Fotograf Gallery

Fotograf Gallery

Адреса Jungmannova 7, Praha 1
Телефон +420 222 942 334

Актуальні виставки галереї

Нам невідомо про якісь події в цьому місці.

Опис місця

Fotograf Gallery was founded in 2009. It is a multifunctional center that combines several activities designed for the cultural public in the area of art photography. It is above all an exhibition space for the presentation of photographic projects by authors published in the current issues of the Fotograf magazine and for thematic lectures and educational activities. At the same time, it is the venue of the Fotograf Festival, which first year took place in 2011. In August 2017, the gallery moved from the original premises in Školská 28 to the new address of Jungmannova 7.


Подібні місця

Ateliér Josefa Sudka
Josef Sudek Gallery
Leica Gallery Prague
Galerie Fotografic
Diamant Gallery – S.V.U. Manes
Gallery 1st floor
Vaclav Spala Gallery
35M2 Gallery
Gallery Pod Palmovkou
Galerie hlavního města Prahy
Galerie Mánesova 54

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