Kinsky Palace

Kinsky Palace

Адреса Staroměstské náměstí 12, Praha 1
Телефон +420 220 397 211
Пов'язано з National Gallery Prague

Актуальні виставки галереї

Guided tour in English: Get on the Ice!
K historii dvou zimních stadionů v Praze
Інші події,
Усі події

Опис місця

The three very important institutions - the National Gallery, National Museum and the Charles University put together the best of their collections and in twenty halls of the Kinsky Palace are showing a thousand monuments of old world cultures. For lovers of Egypt in the time of the pharaohs, ancient Greece, Mesopotamia, or even an old Chinese and Japanese art the Kinsky Palace represents the most significant exhibition space in the Czech Republic.

Подібні місця

National Gallery Prague
Veletržní palác
Schwarzenberský palác
Waldstein Riding School
Anežský klášter
Šternberský palác
Salm Palace
Prague Castle Picture Gallery
Riding School of Prague Castle
Troja Château
Queen Anne's Summer Palace
Imperial Stables of Prague Castle

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