

Адреса Unter den Linden 5, Berlin
Телефон +49 30 2020930

Актуальні музейні виставки

Нам невідомо про якісь події в цьому місці.

Опис місця

The PalaisPopulaire is an open house — a contemporary and innovative forum that offers visitors an exciting mix of art, culture, and sports.

Situated in the heart of Berlin, the PalaisPopulaire combines tradition and the future, local and global culture. It represents fundamental goals that Deutsche Bank has pursued with its cultural commitment for decades: creating access for everyone as well as recognizing and promoting talent in order to have a positive impact on society. Our house offers a wide-ranging program that brings together diverse aspects of contemporary culture under one roof. In addition to art this includes literature, music, sports, performance, and dance.

Deutsche Bank established the Art, Culture & Sports department back in 2016 in order to bundle its activities in the fields of art, culture, and sports into an independent unit. Our motivation was to create synergies and to enable the general public, our customers, and our employees to have new cultural experiences across disciplines. The PalaisPopulaire is the result of this thinking.

The PalaisPopulaire is much more than a museum or exhibition hall. It is a globally networked forum for anyone who wants to think about culture in interdisciplinary, new, and lateral ways. It combines tradition and the future, aims to help the general public become open to new positions in the global art scene and to current cultural-policy issues that are specific to Berlin. In addition, the new platform reflects Deutsche Bank’s commitment to Berlin, the city where it was founded. As a vibrant, inspiring house the PalaisPopulaire emphasizes the importance of art culture, and sports in society.


Подібні місця

Silent Green Kulturquartier
Carlier | Gebauer
Barbara Thumm Gallery
Domäne Dahlem
Frieder Burda Salon - © Roman März
Gropius Bau
Polizeihistorische Sammlung
Science Center Spectrum
Brücke Museum
German Currywurst Museum Berlin

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