

Адреса ul. Nowy Świat 22/28, Warszawa

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Опис місця

Pawilony Nowy Świat are quite known not only among Warsawians but also among the tourists. It is a uniqe place in Warsaw, Poland and Europe.

Pawilony is a row of small, low-keyed bars and cafes.

They used to serve as workshops for craftsmen, today they serve as a point of meet ups, culture, discussions, parties and chill out.


Подібні місця

Night Market
Park Bródnowski
Amici edukacja
Złota 44
Dom Roślin
Makata Studio
Plac Trzech Krzyży
Kampus Centralny UW
Siedziba Banku Gospodarstwa Krajowego
Pasaż Stefana Wiecha Wiecheckiego
Skwer Kahla
Żoliborz Beach

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