Klub Komediowy

Klub Komediowy

Adresse ul. Nowowiejska 1, Warszawa
Webseite www.komediowy.pl
Telefon +48 669 866 520


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Beschreibung des Ortes

Klub Komediowy (eng. Comedy Club) is the first an only comedy club in Poland. The club consist of the bar, stage and cafe. Shows are hosted daily. The club also has its summer stage- in Plac Zabaw, a venue by the river.

On the club's stage you can see improvisational theatre, stad-up, literary caaret, sketch shows, concerts, thetare plays and other stage initiatives and projects.


Ähnliche Orte

Rakieta Klub
Syrena Theatre
Teatr Wolandejski
Teatr Lalek Guliwer
Teatr Kamienica
Teatr BAZA
Teatr Współczesny
Scena Klub Dowództwa Garnizonu Warszawa
Teatr Komedia
Teatr na Dole
Teatr XL

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