Women of the Right Bank

Address ul. Targowa 50/52, Warszawa
Entry 0–10 PLN
Event website www.muzeumpragi.pl…
Venue's website www.muzeumpragi.pl…
Curator Jolanta Wiśniewska

The exhibition’s central characters are nine women with varying degrees of connection to Warsaw’s right bank districts. A teacher, an anthropologist, a pottery maker, a nun actress, a swimmer, a Zionist activist, a girl scout, a doctor, a painter, and a hostess of an art salon. The choices they made were women’s choices – ways of fulfilling the girlhood dreams and ambitions of the different generations. The exhibition tells their personal stories. It uncovers their dormant creativity, determination, courage. All of them were pursuing their goals, struggling against adversity, breaking through the barriers of their times. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they doubted, and sometimes they failed. These are not figures known to the general public. The exhibition offers a chance to remember their faces and names. Thanks to documents, photographs and memorabilia made available by many institutions and individuals (including the families of the women featured in the exhibition), we can learn at least part of their history – that from Praga, Kamionek, Saska Kępa, Rembertów and Białołęka districts, as well as that lived far away, in Siberia, Serbia or Palestine. The exhibition combines a historical narrative with an artistic project by Katarzyna and Marianne Wąsowski, inspired by the figures of the women featured.

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