Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne

Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne

Adresa ul. Długa 52, Warszawa
Webová stránka
Telefón +48 22 50 44 815

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Popis miesta

The National Museum of Archaeology organizes excavations in different parts of Poland, develops and publishes the results of research including those from other museums and institutions related to archeology.

It promotes archeology and prehistory, both on their own premises, as well as other museums, including foreign ones. The museum provides lessons, film screenings, and demonstrations. Since 1995, the museum along with the University of Warsaw organizes an archaeological festival.


Podobné miesta

Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum
Fotoplastikon Warszawski
Muzeum Błogosławionego ks. Jerzego Popiełuszki
Muzeum Łowiectwa i Jeździectwa
Museum of Independence
Jewish Historical Institute
Magic Mind Museum
The Asia and Pacific Museum
The Neon Muzeum
The Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw
Warsaw Archdiocese Museum
Museum of Pawiak Prison

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