Prague Planetarium

Prague Planetarium

Adresa Královská obora 233, Praha 7
Webová stránka
Telefón +420 220 999 001
Pridružené miesta Art District 7

Aktuálne výstavy v múzeu

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Popis miesta

Located in the Park Stromovka, near the entrance to Vystaviste, there is the largest Prague Planetarium of the Czech Republic. With the 23m wide diameter of the projecting dome it belongs to one of the largest domes in the world. Beside the Cosmoram's Hall there is Starvid Hall, foyer and terrace to be used. 100,000 visitors visit the museum a year. Three quarters of this amount are children and the youth within school education. The fourth quarter consists of afternoon and evening show's visitors.

Podobné miesta

Art District 7
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