Star Summer House

Star Summer House

Adresa Obora Hvězda, Praha 6-Liboc
Telefón +420 220 612 230

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Popis miesta

Letohrádek Hvězda is a Renaissance villa situated in a game reserve of the same name Obora Hvězda in Liboc.

The surrounding game reserve was founded in 1530 by King Ferdinand I. Twenty-five years later he commissioned his younger son Ferdinand II, Archduke of Austria, to build the villa. The villa is shaped as a six-pointed star, from which it and the game reserve acquire their shared name.

In 1962 the villa was listed as a national cultural monument, which it remains today. An exhibition relating to the Battle of White Mountain, which took place nearby, is now on permanent display inside the publicly accessible villa.

Podobné miesta

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