Museum od Czech literature (main building)

Museum od Czech literature (main building)

Adresa Strahovské nádvoří 1, Praha 1
Telefón +420 220 516 695

Aktuálne výstavy v múzeu

Popis miesta

The PNP is established to carry out scientific research in the field of its competence, to acquire, collect, permanently store, register, process and make available the public collections of the Museum of the nature, specifically the collection documents the development of literature and book culture in the Czech lands, including documents related to the life, work and legacy of prominent personalities of Czech literature and book culture from the 18. century to the present, and the collection of works of art.

Podobné miesta

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Star Summer House
Small villa PNP
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Umeleckopriemyselné múzeum v Prahe (historická budova)
Muzeum Antonína Dvořáka
Podskalská celnice na Výtoni
Plynárenské muzeum

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