Vypsaná fixa

Punk, Rock, Pop Czechia www.vypsanafixa.cz
S Vypsaná fixa

Upcoming concerts

Zlín, Masters of Rock Café XXX Tour: Vypsaná fixa + Mňága a Žďorp
Olomouc, Sklub Vypsaná fixa + Xavier Baumaxa
Ostrava, Barrák Vypsaná fixa + Wóďa
Brno, Fléda Vypsaná fixa
Brno, Fléda Vypsaná fixa
Ústí nad Labem, Dům kultury Ústí nad Labem Vypsaná fixa + Volant + Dukla Vozovna
Praha 1, Great Hall Lucerna Vypsaná fixa


Vypsaná fixa  Dezolát  0 5 2:54 0 ×
Vypsaná fixa  Detaily  0 5 3:33 149 ×
Vypsaná fixa  Čtyři slunce  0 5 4:06 0 ×
Vypsaná fixa  Bagrista ze Suezu  0 5 4:43 0 ×
Vypsaná fixa  Krabička  0 5 4:04 0 ×

About Vypsaná fixa

Vypsaná fixa is a popular Czech band playing pop punk. The band emerged in 1994 in Pardubice from the disbanded band K.R.K. Its work is famous for its interesting poetic – often surrealistic lyrics, written by frontman Michal Mareda known as Márdi. His songs are inspired by William Saroyan or Gabriel García Márquez. The biggest role model of Vypsana Fixy was and is the Pixies. The Pardubice band is primarily a concert band, playing all over the country, being one of the busiest guests at summer festivals and travelling abroad (Poland, Germany, Holland, Italy). They hold a hundred concerts a year.

Vypsana Fixa's eighth album is Tady to někde je. Their ninth album was released by Vypsaná fixa two years later and is titled Kvalita. For this album, it was also nominated for the 2019 Apollo Music Critics Awards. In 2022, their tenth album Kusy radosti was released and was recorded with the help of Dušan Neuwerth and Ondřej Ježek in the studios Sono, Jámor and Gui-tón. It is the first album that was recorded in a new system with Kryštof Mašek (bass guitar).

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