Antická Gerulata

Antická Gerulata

Адреса Gerulatská 7, Bratislava – Rusovce
Телефон +421 262 859 332
Пов'язано з Múzeum mesta Bratislavy

Актуальні музейні виставки

Gerulata Community Picnic
Fun and experience,

Опис місця

Gerulata was a Roman military camp that stood on the territory of today's Rusovce. It was built in the 2nd century as part of the Limes Romanus and was part of the Roman province of Pannonia. In the 4th century, when the Roman legions withdrew from Pannonia, it was abandoned.

At present, the remains of the camp are reconstructed and in the area there is an exposition of the Bratislava Museum with finds from Slovakia from the period of the Roman Empire.


Подібні місця

Stará radnica
Múzeum mesta Bratislavy
Devin Castle
Michael's Tower
Pamätný dom J. N. Hummela
Dom U dobrého pastiera
Lekáreň U červeného raka
Múzeum Janka Jesenského
Apponyi Palace
Expozícia vinohradníctva
Bratislavský hrad
Židovské komunitné múzeum

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