Lekáreň U červeného raka

Lekáreň U červeného raka

Адреса Michalská 28, Bratislava – Staré Mesto
Веб-сайт www.muzeumbratislava.sk
E-mail mmba@mmb.sk
Телефон +421 259 100 812
Пов'язано з Múzeum mesta Bratislavy

Актуальні музейні виставки

Нам невідомо про якісь події в цьому місці.

Опис місця

The Pharmacy Museum is located in part of the former pharmacy on the ground floor of a Baroque burgher house. It was built into the barbican of the Michalská gate with an adjacent moat. In the 18th century the facade of the house was classically modified and supplemented with a stone rococo portal. On the facade are the original pharmacy signs with metal acanthus ornaments and crayfish from the late 19th century from the Bratislava blacksmith company Márton. The original pharmacy U červeného raka is mentioned as early as the 16th century and was located in five rooms from the second half of the 18th century until its abolition and handover for museum purposes in 1953.

The museum has a permanent exhibition * Pharmacy U červeného raka*.

Подібні місця

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