Expozícia vinohradníctva

Expozícia vinohradníctva

Адреса Radničná 1, Bratislava – Staré Mesto
Веб-сайт www.muzeumbratislava.sk
E-mail mmba@mmb.sk
Телефон +421 259 100 856
Пов'язано з Apponyi Palace

Актуальні музейні виставки

Нам невідомо про якісь події в цьому місці.

Опис місця

The Museum of Viticulture is located on the ground floor and in the basement of Apponyi Palace. Apponyi Palace is a Rococo house and a national cultural monument in the Old Town in Bratislava, today it is part of the Old Town Hall.

Grape growing and wine production played an important role in the history of Bratislava. The museum presents the history of viticulture, vineyard cultivation, harvesting and processing of grapes in the city from antiquity to the 20th century. It also presents the two most important Bratislava wine companies, Hubert J. E. and Palugyay, which have won many international awards for their production, especially sparkling wine.


Подібні місця

Apponyi Palace
Múzeum historických interiérov

Múzeum historických interiérov

Dom U dobrého pastiera
Bratislavský hrad
Antická Gerulata
Židovské komunitné múzeum
Lekáreň U červeného raka
Múzeum kultúry Maďarov na Slovensku
Devin Castle
Múzeum kultúry karpatských Nemcov
Michael's Tower
Pamätný dom J. N. Hummela

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