Expozícia vinohradníctva

Expozícia vinohradníctva

Current museum exhibitions

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Venue description

The exposition documents the history of viticulture and winemaking in the territory of the capital city of Bratislava and is connected with a tasting of quality wines on the ground floor and in the basement of the rococo Apponyi Palace.

The beginnings of vine cultivation in the territory of present-day Bratislava have been documented since the 3rd century. The development of viticulture and winemaking in the city in the Middle Ages was supported by various rulers' decrees. A breakthrough document was the privilege of King Andrew III from 1291, which exempted the townspeople from paying tax to the royal regal from the vineyards already existing and those planted in the future. The German colonisation in the 13th-14th centuries, which brought an influx of merchants, craftsmen and wine-growers, especially from the Rhineland, was also an important factor. In the course of the 19th century, favourable conditions were created for the emergence of industrial enterprises for the large-scale production and wholesale of wine. In 1825, Ján Fischer and Michal Schönbauer founded a factory for the production of sparkling wine according to an original French recipe, in 1877 the company was bought by the Hubert family and wine was marketed under the Hubert brand. In 1952, the company was nationalised and its headquarters moved to Sereď. The most famous wine company in former Hungary was founded by Jakub Palucký (Palugyay). From its foundation – probably in 1851 – until the end of 1918, the company prospered and won awards at important international exhibitions.

The exhibition of viticulture is part of the tour of the Old Town Hall and the Apponyi Palace.


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